3 Ways To De-Stress During the Greatest Challenge of our Generation | Minimo Skin Essentials

3 Ways To De-Stress During the Greatest Challenge of our Generation

I can't believe we are already in the second half of the year and the roughness  that started earlier this year is yet to vanish. 

We understand staying sane and radiant amidst all this challenges is not easy...Well, we feel the roughness too and here's 3 ways  we think can help you overcome the roughness...


1. Take a deep breathe and enjoy the solitude of social distancing 'Drink a lot of water'. This has been proven to significantly affects energy level and boost mood. Also, drinking water not only keep your skin moist but will help in overall upkeep of your health (and in turn your skin). It might seem a bit awkward to some, however, this is an important skin care tip. while social distancing, you can still stay healthy.


2. Exercise helps to ward off stress and anxiety. A bit of exercise and good sleep are essential too, not just for skin care but for your health as a whole. Lack of sleep can lead to formation of wrinkles below your eyes and lack of exercise can cause your skin to slack. Moreover, exercise and sleep also helps in beating stress. So besides being a skin care tip, this is also a health care tip.


3. Beat the stress. Yes, stress harms skin too. So, take a break- pamper yourself. You can use some at-home spa time where you detox and purify your skin pores to rid body of toxin using our Miracle Mud Mask or Moxie Red Clay Mask. 

Miracle Mud Mask is a gentle, yet intensive, skin detox that cleanses, purifies, & tightens pores without over-drying. Formulated with mineral-rich clays & nutrient dense botanicals, the Miracle Mud Mask naturally soothes & invigorates the skin.

Moxie Red Clay Mask is a clarifying clay mask that gently draws out impurities while delivering botanical extracts that soothe irritated, congested, breakout-prone skin. Our propriety blend of herbs, clays, and botanicals to tighten pores, invigorate appearance, and clarify the complexion.


Do you know more ways to de-stress? Please feel free to share with us via the comment section. We wish you a healthy glowing skin!


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